pregnancy/ breech baby/ postpartum

pregnancy/breech baby/postpartum symptoms


Morning sickness

Some women receive acupuncture and moxibustion during pregnancy to relieve morning sickness and spend the first trimester of pregnancy.

It is hard to say which is more effective, since the treatment is given from both sides, but it seems to relieve the morning sickness. In my own experience, when I received acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, morning sickness lessened and I was able to spend time while working.


Breech birth

It is around the 30th to 32nd week that the doctor tells you that you have a breech baby. The size at which a breech baby is most likely to turn is when the fetus weighs less than 2000 grams and is between 31 and 36 weeks gestation (average 33 weeks).

Pregnant women with a breech baby are,

(1) The baby is always in the same position

(2) The mother’s abdomen is distorted or hard

(3) Swelling, back pain, pain in the buttocks or pubic bone

Swelling, back pain, pain in the buttocks or pubic bone, etc. can be observed.

Essentially, the pregnant belly is round and soft. The first step in curing breech birth is to return the mother’s abdomen to a soft and loose state.

During the checkup, the doctor will be surprised to see how soft the belly has become, providing such a change. We are confident that we are changing the body so that a breech that has the potential to turn will turn properly.


Postpartum fatigue, pelvic adjustment

A body ravaged by childbirth can suffer from various symptoms such as back pain, shoulder pain, sudden hearing loss, facial paralysis, repeated colds, and insomnia. Acupuncture and moxibustion help such a body to recover as quickly as possible and regain the strength to take care of children.