Advantages of acupuncture for people with frozen shoulder

I have been working with several people with frozen-shoulder problems recently. When the symptoms of the frozen-shoulder are so severe that daily life is difficult and sleep is affected, it does not get better after a few treatments.

What is the benefit of receiving acupuncture if it doesn’t get better immediately? Some people may think.

Frozen shoulder symptoms can persist for years. Some people do not recover completely and the shoulder joint remains unable to move freely.

I believe that it is more constructive to use acupuncture and moxibustion to promote improvement and restore healthy shoulder joint movement than to spend a long time battling with the pain of a  frozen-shoulder.

After acupuncture, the first stage of improvement is that the shoulder joint becomes less painful. This will help you sleep better and you will no longer have to be frightened by pain when going about your daily life.

In the case of the frozen-shoulder , the condition improves after receiving acupuncture and then returns for a while, but usually by the end of the sixth treatment, a visible improvement can be felt.

Then, around the 12th treatment, the pain decreases and becomes more and more comfortable. (Twelve sessions is three months at a pace of once a week.)

However, many people who have come this far still have not regained movement in their shoulder joints, and I hope that they will receive another 12 or so sessions of acupuncture from here.

Everyone has some kind of problem in the neck and shoulders or in the lower back before they get  frozen-shoulder. The symptoms of the  frozen-shoulder condition occur as an extension of these problems.

The nature of the problem is not only in the frozen-shoulder. When symptoms like this occur, it is helpful if you look at your own physical condition and think, ‘I’m going to take some time to recover my body to a good state’.

Now one of our patients has completely improved his shoulder symptoms✨.

We have two more patients to take care of. These people are almost ready to improve, so let’s work a little harder together now 😊.