Hydrocephalus shunts and acupuncture

A patient who had a hydrocephalus shunt placed came to the hospital. He has been feeling unwell since the operation and has a wide range of symptoms, including tension in the back of his neck, stiffness in his goo, pain when he moves, pain behind his ears, headaches, ear congestion…

Acupuncture can help with these post-operative symptoms.


When you came to us, your body was stiff and blood-poor, but now your blood colour has improved and your body has regained its softness.

She now comes to the clinic every 2-3 weeks for maintenance.


If nothing is done, the body inevitably becomes gooey and stiff from the middle of the neck and the ears become blocked. Do you have tubes running through your body that are relics, so if you don’t maintain your body, it will become stiffer and stiffer?

However, it is a good thing that you are well with maintenance every two to three weeks, so is that a good start?


Face your illness, face your body, and be aware of what makes your body happy and good. The importance of health sinks in even more when you are ill. And now, in this age of longevity, everyone needs to make just a little effort to stay healthy.